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Wilmington Caravan Sep 4th - 10th, 2017

Join us on our Caravan

Wilmington, NC Caravan 9/3 - 9/10 The Body Now Mandala Workshop in Wilmington 9/9

Curious to dip your toes into Turning the Wheel's unique style of embodied play?
Come to our fall caravan in Wilmington to experience our performance program in action and witness the power of play in schools, universities, and elder communities.

The Caravan week includes outreach in several local schools, ranging from pre-k to high school and other community organizations such as universities. Caravan weeks also include a "Body Now" Mandala Workshop for educators and students.

Help Make These Wonderful Events Happen

If you are interesting in working with our talented team this fall contact us to learn more about how to jump in, become certified, and have a blast bringing the creative arts to youth all over the country.

Contact Us to Join One of our Caravan Projects
Lulu Delphine: | (406) 544-7561 Khiri Lee: | (720) 261-5647

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1123 County Rd 83

Boulder, CO 80302


© 2020 Turning the Wheel Productions Inc. Content and images may not be reproduced without prior written consent. Turning the Wheel is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

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