See the incredible positive impact of your contributions to Turning the Wheel this year!
This is the time of the year when we get to tell you about the incredible positive impact your contributions to Turning the Wheel have had in our communities, and on our youth who will create the future!
We reached out to literally thousands of youth and adults this year:
Boulder, CO:
New Vista High School
Casey middle school
Family Learning Center
Columbine Preschool
Mapleton Preschool
New Horizons Preschool
University Hills Elementary
Manhattan Middle School
Angevine Middle School
“I Had a Dream Foundation”
Brookdale Senior Living
Denver Women’s Correctional Facility
Justice High School
Boulder High School
University of Colorado Dance Students
Los Angeles, CA:
LA’s BEST Partnership
Hobart Elementary, 3rd and 4th grades
Hobart Elementary, Kindergarten–2nd grade
Mayberry, Kindergarten–2nd grade
Mayberry, 3rd - 5th grade Richard Alonzo Community Day School
New Village Girl’s Academy
Temescal High School
Santa Monica College, Certification Program
Missoula, MT: TEDx U Montana
Willard Alternative School, Men & Women's Studies
Sentinel High School, Health Science classes
Lowell School, After School Flagship Program
Hellgate High School, Nutrition and Wellness
GUTS ( Girls Using Their Strengths) program
(with four area schools)
University of Montana Creative Pulse Program
(graduate teaching program)
YWCA Volunteer Training
Forum for Children and Youth teacher training
Jesuit Volunteer Training
Tapestry Community Class
Living Art (cancer survivors)
Survivors of Sexual Abuse Group
Chrysallis Girls School
Cedar Rapids, IA:
Body Now Workshop
U of Iowa Ballet Class
Linn County Detention Center ISE - Presented Proposal for corporate workshop
Prairie High School - Remedial Reading Class
Johnson School of the Arts - 2nd grade class
Metro High School
Four Oaks Residential Treatment Facility
Doterra Regional Conference
Wilmington, NC: Lake Forest Academy Day Treatment Center
Island Montessori - Seventh Grade
Laney High Autistic Youth
UNCW Education Students and Faculty
Luv2Act Theatre Class
Carolina Beach Elementary
Body Now Workshop - Dancers and Teachers
Laney High– Differently-abled Youth
Elder Haus
New Hanover House - Memory Ward