Missoula News!
TTWM wishes to thank the Montana Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts for partial funding of our after school Flagship program with three schools. This spring, we will be offering live streaming, movement and expressive arts based programs to teach social emotional learning and integral life skills that will culminate in an auto-biographical performance.
Thanks also to the Missoula Public Library and the Montana Geriatric Education center’s Dementia Award for their partnership to deliver a live streaming class to elders through their Memory Cafe program. We will be offering three more classes of autobiographical storytelling and movement based games in spring of 2021. To enroll your favorite elder in this livestream event, contact lulu@turningthewheel.org
TTWM is ecstatic to announce that we will be partnering with several locations of the Boys and Girls Club to serve 360 children and multiple staff members throughout 2021! Thank you to Kezia Lovelady for being the bridge between our organizations to make this partnership happen.